Yoga trifft Kunst
Eine Reise durch die Sinne.
9. März 2024 - 17:30 - 21:00 Uhr
@ JB FinErdeS
Dies wird ein einzigartiges Erlebnis an diesem außergewöhnlichen Ort sein.JB FINEARTS
Begleiten Sie uns zu einem Abend voller Kunst, Yoga, Atem, Klang, Geruch und Entspannung. Schmecken.
Umgeben von wunderschöner Kunst praktizieren wir einen 75-minütigen sanften Jivamukti-Kurs, gefolgt von Meditation und tiefer Entspannung. Erleben Sie die Magie des Klangs, indem Sie gemeinsam alte Mantras singen. Lassen Sie die Seele baumeln und entspannen Sie sich, tauchen Sie tief in die Welt Ihrer Sinne ein und bringen Sie Ihr Bewusstsein in Ihr Inneres.
Ein köstliches veganes Gourmet-Dinnerbuffet von Köchin Melanie Wehrli und frische Drinks von Dr. Jaglas runden den Abend ab.
Co-Moderatorin und Galeristin Jessica Bauer nimmt Sie mit einem Drink in der Hand mit auf eine kleine Reise durch die Galerie und erzählt Ihnen von den Künstlern und den Ausstellungen.
Bei Getränken und Essen sowie Gesprächen mit neuen und alten Bekannten endet der Abend gegen 21 Uhr.
Yoga ist für alle Niveaus geeignet, die Unterrichtssprache ist Deutsch & Englisch je nach Gruppe.
Die Plätze sind begrenzt!
Investition: 109 EUR
[Früher Vogel 99€*]
*TDas Early-Bird-Angebot gilt nur bis 01. Februar 2024
This experience is for you if:
You want to feel better, but don't know where to start.
You gained weight and it won't go away
You feel generally fatigued and tired or low immunity.
You are suffering from frequent digestive discomfort (constipation, bloating, gas, acidity).
You are seeking to establish a more intentional relationship with time and food.
You are experiencing ongoing stress, anxiety, or burnout.
You are longing to reconnect with a sense of inspiration and motivation.
You can't get a full night's sleep
You have minor but constant skin or hair imbalances.
You are desiring to practice ancient rituals, eat real food and find joy in the process of renewal
Benefits of a spring cleanse
The ayurvedic Spring cleanse target the following goals:
Weight loss
Renewed energy
Better sleep
Improved skin and hair health
More balanced digestion and metabolism
Mental and emotional clarity
You will get:
A program created to fit into your busy schedule so you can implement slowly small steps to a new self-care routine.
Workbook and Cookbook
Grocery Shopping List
Dosha Determination
Daily Yoga/Movement and Breathwork videos/live sessions
Self -Care rituals
Community Connection for Collective Well-being
Individual support and guidance
Welcome Gift & starter Kit
One who is established in Self, who has balanced doshas, balanced agni (digestion), properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of malas (waste products), well functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul and senses are full of bliss is called a healthy person
~ Sushruta Samhita 15.38
Save the dates
April 6 -12
April 13
April 14 - 18
April 19-29
April 30 - May 3rd
Easy Preparation
LIVE YOGA & COOKING Event in Hamburg
5-day Cleanse at home
Mindful Reintegration
Joyful Rejuvenation
Wiebke Satz
Certified Ayurverda Health Coach, Yoga Teacher & Mental Coach
Wiebke supports her clients with her positive way to get into their life force, to overcome inner and outer obstacles and to lead a happier and healthier life.
Ayurvedic routines and yoga are an integral part of her life and support her, as an entrepreneur and mom, to balance her energy when things get wild on the outside, which is almost daily.
Debby Reuter
certified Jivamukti teacher, NLP Master & founder of W.H.Y. Retreats
After travelling around the world, Debby was inspired by many teachers and Yoga styles and finally lost her heart at Jivamukti Yoga. She learnt to teach the method from Moritz Ulrich and Yogeshwari followed by a 500h apprenticeship with her dear Mentor Mitch Burnett in Barcelona in 2023. Who not treating on Retreats she teaches at Roots Yoga Hamburg. Debby is also a certified NLP Master and the founder of W.H.Y.Retreats.
Her vision is to help people to take a pause from their busy life’s finding what it is what they really really want and support a healthy and mobile lifestyle while well-aging.